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We have launched a new paid newsletter to share our first program The Positivity Toolbox. Sign up for that newsletter today to be a founding subscriber. Receive the toolbox and additional resources.
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Sign up for the Constructing Confidence newsletter today to be a founding subscriber and to receive the toolbox and additional resources for free. For a limited time. 🔥
So many people are worried about kids’ well-being today. Parents have little time to engage with their kids and need evidence-based support that works. Educators are eager for simple, clear, and fun resources to help their students develop emotional intelligence and important life tools.
Wouldn’t it be great to access a carefully researched and constructed set of tools to help enhance our a sense of confidence in ourselves and our kids?
Yes, it would. We have it here for those of you who are interested. And we include material from the experts. Insights and tools you won’t want to miss. Spread the word! This offer of free access expires August 1st.
What is The Positivity Toolbox exactly?
The Positivity Toolbox is a transformative program designed to boost confidence and resilience in parents, or educators, and kids. Helping our kids in these areas of development is one of the best things we can do for them, together. One of the most important building blocks to reach this goal is embracing positivity! So, we dug into the research of positive psychologists and researchers and built our first program as a co-learning experience. The program is based on science and the evidence-based research of Dr. Lyubomirsky, who defined the 12 behaviors proven to boost positivity. We built a program filled with exercises and discussion starters for parents, and educators, and kids, that will help them to build some key attributes for success in life.

Buy the book HERE
Sign up for e-delivery HERE
Share with your favorite educators by forwarding THIS EMAIL and having them subscribe today (before this offer expires August 1st).
👉🏻 Let me know if you have any questions. Visit our website for more details and to see some of the wonderful feedback we have received from our panel of testers: parents, educators, psychologists, and kids themselves.
We are thrilled that the program has been so well received ~ check out some of our testimonials & the co-creator bios, including award-winning learning designer and education consultant Darri Stephens HERE.
And spread the word to parents and educators who could benefit from this generous offer before it expires August 1st.